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DAY ONE - October 24

12:00-1:00 PM


You will get your badge -- and lunch! 

12:40-12:55 PM

Welcome & UTA Next Gen Opening Remarks

Welcome to ZCON!

12:55-1:15 PM


"Are you smarter than a Gen Zer?" Trivia Hosted by Davis Burleson

1:15-1:35 PM


Mean Girls Mid-afternoon:  A conversation on exploring modern femininity in media.

1:35-2:05 PM


The Connection Economy: Discussing the role of Gen Z in a new reimagined economy.

2:05-2:30 PM


It's time to get vibing.

2:30-3:00 PM


Boundary-Breaking Beauty:  A vibrant conversation on what beauty means to Gen Z. How is our cohort redefining the word as well as transforming the entire landscape

3:00-3:30 PM


Ideas Changing the World: 3 Gen Z Entrepreneur Spotlights

3:30-4:25 PM


Various breakout sessions are hosted by Gen Zers.

4:25-4:55 PM


Future of Work: What does Gen Z expect from the workplace of the 21st Century?

4:55-5:25 PM


Reinventing the Runway:  Discussion between the most iconic Gen Z voices who have emerged as faces of fashion in 2024 and what they want to see more of in this space.

5:25-5:35 PM


Ziad Ahmed, head of NextGen at UTA, takes the stage for ZCONfrontations.

7:00-9:30 PM

ZCON Awards in Partnership with Cosmopolitan to Present Club Cosmo

Featuring Performances from Brynn Cartelli and Aliyah's Interlude.


9:00-10:00 AM

ZMO Breakfast Powered by Hootsuite

Breakfast and check-in powered by our friends at Hootsuite

10:00-10:10 AM


Ziad and Maia welocmes you to day 2 of ZCON!

10:10-10:35 AM


Made it Out of the Groupchat: We will begin the day by hearing from three besties who are constantly communicating with each other—whether talking about memes or movements. And if you read some of the screenshots of our texts (maybe we will share some?), you wouldn’t believe that the idea of this panel made it out of the group chat.

10:35-11:05 AM


Aligning Your Confidence: a conversation on how we all can be our most confident selves by talking to extraordinary young people about what has allowed them to be their best selves so far in their journeys.

11:05AM-11:35 AM


Closing the Gap Between Content and Community: This panel with GoFundMe will examine the internet and technology’s role in connecting people who want to make an impact with individuals in need and nonprofits doing critical work worldwide.

11:35AM-12:05 PM


Make Your Voice Heard: Vote Today, Shape Tomorrow: In light of the 2024 election, ahoo and Influence Change for an inspiring conversation on the vital role Gen Z has in shaping a more equitable future. 

12:05PM-12:20 PM


Ziad Ahmed, head of NextGen at UTA, takes the stage for ZCONfrontations.

12:20PM-1:20 PM


It's time for lunch break!

1:20-1:45 PM

Recess: Powered by Yuzu

Join Yuzu for a little break from the panels by connecting with your peers.

1:45-2:00 PM

Impact Intro & Remarks from Non-Profit Partners

Introducing our Impact programming with introductions from our diverse Non-Profit Partners.

2:00-4:00 PM

Impact Activations

Activations around the venue with Malikah, Jed Foundation, 5 Gyres, Born this Way Foundation,.

4:00-4:20 PM


The Politic of Joy: You’ve heard a lot today about how Gen Z is pushing the envelope to push for positive change, but there is perhaps nothing more powerful than our joy. This will be a fireside chat leaning into Ulta’s JOY Circle that covers how we can tap into joy as a tool of wellness, community, and winning.

4:20pm-4:40 PM 

Closing Remarks

Ziad Ahmed, head of NextGen at UTA, takes the stage for the final ZCONfrontations and closes off ZCON 2024.

4:40PM-5:00 PM

Closing Performance

Closing performance with Maiya the Don.

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